
Skin reconstruction and its types

Skin the largest organ of human body. It protects other organs such as ligaments bones muscles and other internal organs. Skin performs very important function to keep us alive such as it gives us protection against pathogens. From water from leaving our body, keeps our temperature under control, it also works to product vitamin D which is very important for our bones to remain strong. It looks like it is not important and isn’t doing anything essential other than protection but that is totally wrong. It is important to give as much care to your skin as you give to the other parts of your body. If one think that just washing it or using sun block is enough care of your skin you are totally incorrect. Skin has given an ability to reconstruct itself so it can perform other major functions. Our body will never be able to remain intact without our skin. Tissues have ability to expend for this process.

Skin reconstruction is a process in which skin itself will be used to reconstruct new skin. This process includes skin grafting which is a transplant of skin in which a piece of skin gets relocate on a new site of a person’s body. There is also a process of expanding tissues. The method of skin reconstruction is called plastic surgery. People who face breast cancer or skin cancer normally go through this surgery. It is surgical process not a cosmetic one.

The skin grating is a process which is being performed for the people who have lost their skin because of wounds or infections. To transplant new skin doctors removed the damaged skin first so that the damaged area can look neat, it helps to do the grafting. It is an agonizingly process but has saved thousands of lives in past years. Some nasty wounds can cause bacterial infections because they will not let the skin hydrated and stop it to fight back with bacteria. So that is the reason for people to go through such painful process.

There are two types of skin grafting autografts and allograft. In both type doctors take skin from one area and put it to the wounded area. Autografting in a process in which doctors use patient’s own skin to use for injured skin. It is the most preferred way of skin grafting because sooner or later the foreign skin will e rejected by body’s immune system.  The only reason for doctors using allografting method is that when patient’s own skin is so much injured to perform the surgery.  

In the process of tissue expansion doctor will insert an instrument in skin which is called balloon expander. This balloon will be filled saline solution slowly to stretch the skin and after that the process of reconstruction will be performed. It is best process because it gives the most natural results without any skin removing. This process takes long time as much time as the skin will take to grow.

In the past there was time when people do not have any cure for breast cancer because skin reconstruction was not very famous but now everyone knows about them and these procedures are being used very frequently.

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