Maranta Leuconeura

Prayer Plant and Its Behaviour

Maranta Leuconeura, also known as a prayer plant is an evergreen, low ground tropical plant. With its exceptional and beautiful structure, it is quite famous amongst plants of its nature. Prayer plant has beautiful 6 inches long leaves with the prominent colourful pattern on the surface. With its small, white, and non-fragrant flowers, this plant is grown indoors, commonly native to Brazil tropical forests. 

Maranta Leuconeura plant has an ironic and notable behaviour as its leaves, with the response of sunlight, stay straight and openly downwards the whole and at night, these leaves depict a closure shape resembling the praying hands. That is why these are known as prayer plants. The night behaviour of this plant is for a specific purpose that its closed shape leaves at night allow the raindrops to approach the roots of the plant frequently. This behaviour doesn’t allow the water to stay on the leaves, thus prevents bacterial growth to occur on the leaves. 

Care and Growth

Prayer plants love to stay most of the time and it cannot be set to be not cared for long. Its growth always demands a quantity of water frequently. The soil, in which Maranta Leuconeura grows, must be kept moisturized continuously. The water at room temperature is much likely suitable for these plants for better growth. 

As compared to summer season, marantas need less water in cold winter because in winter, these plants usually stay dormant. Prayer plants always need moderate temperature because with too much sunlight or a room with no moisture, the portions of leaves of these plants start to turn brown. These marantas love to stay under appropriate shades. The prayer plant is a low-growing evergreen perennial that spreads vegetatively with rhizome. 

Uses and Benefits

Prayer plant is not only considered as an air freshener, but this plant enhances the grace of your house with its splendid shape, colour patterns, and absolute beauty. Not only this, but some part of this plant is also edible and can be used in the medicines. In the ancient times, where there was not any kind of allopathy, plants were used for the medicines of almost all kinds of diseases. In the modern era, there are still some doctors who use plants for the production of effective medicines. Maranta Leuconeura can also be used to make medicines. Prayer Plant medicinal uses are: anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, Antioxidants and Antiviral.

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