
Green revolution and sustainable agriculture

In 1940’s lot of research development was going on to increase the productivity and the benefits of agriculture industry. In 1960’s to 1970’s a revolution which we know as green revolution accord which bring lot of modernism in agricultures. At that time there were lot of new things introduced which we are using now days. A huge variety of fertilizer and pesticide with new techniques and machines were introduced at that time.

These new innovations are the reasons that now people are able to eat more safe and secure food which was just impossible in the past. The modernism in agricultures industry is the reason that people can get vast yields in small areas of land. It had become important for economy as well as food industry to bring some modernism in agriculture industry so it can be sustainable to bring a healthy environment.  It is easy to get more result with less investment in this industry because of green revolution. People learned lot of new things to get more and more productivity and creativity at that time.

At the time of green revolution people has great land for productivity but now people are using more land for construction then productivity so everyone in this industry is worried about sustainable agriculture, industries such as fisheries, horticulture, meat, sugar and grains all of them want sustainable agriculture. It is important to give first priority to sustainable agriculture to get more safe food. The research and development corporation of Australia which represents farmers works with the federal government to invest in the development of agriculture industry to make sure that sustainable product are being produced.

People are now willing to learn the new techniques and development in agriculture industry and want to have a carrier in this industry. There are schools where people are leaning and having courses to have a carrier agriculture field. There is lot of fields in agriculture industry such as exporting, international relation, science, and engineering. With sudden climate changes, limited land and water facilities and environmental disasters it is important to bring improvement in this industry for future. For safe and healthy food lot of investments and research is required just the green revolution will not be enough.

Today’s farmer knows that they are responsible for not just productivity but also for soils, animal and the grass because they are dependent on each other. Good soil is important for both animals as well as to grow grass on the land so that animals can eat it. Without healthy soils there won’t be any farming in the future.

There were areas where natural or adequate rain flow to support crops was not available to support the crops but know with agriculture irrigation it has become easily for give water to those areas as well. People have turn water to areas where it is not present with scientific techniques for sustainable agriculture.

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